Although electric vehicles (EVs) have many benefits for protecting the environment and lowering emissions, their widespread adoption mainly depends on their price. With machine learning (ML) algorithms, costs can be predicted...
Gas turbines play a vital role in gas transportation and power generation, but they are prone to instability phenomena that can lead to vibrations, shorten equipment lifespan, and result in catastrophic failures...
Monitoring control of industrial systems is essential for the good productivity and safety of installations and operators, with better performance that must be guaranteed. This is often challenging due to the nonlinearities and dynamic complexities of these systems, adding operating constraints and instability..
Deux doctorats "Développement d'un système pronostic pour la modélisation des vibrations d'une turbine à gaz en réduisant les coûts de maintenance" et "Modélisation, prédiction et diagnostic des performances d'une turbine à gaz à base des méthodes déterministes et intelligentes"...